Saturday, 13 June 2015

Are You Here By Choice Or By Chance? By Jaidita Seth

Are You Here By Choice Or By Chance?

There are different courses to do your diploma ,graduation or whatever that u want to do, it's like a buffet  to chose from a buffet that requires to be selected precisely. If chosen wrongly you would end up with a stomach pain . One with which you'll end up in  the hospital or might  even get gas.
·      It's necessary that when you  chose you decide that the dish that your choosing you like it.
·      You need to be confident that you want to eat it.
·      You should know that that you'll be able to hold it.
·      You should know that how much of the dish you can take.
·      You should know what's your capacity.
·      How many of the dishes can you consume.
Reading this article might make you a little hungry or confused. But all m saying is that when you chose a course  and college you need to be absolutely sure that the choice that you have made is good for you and is your choice, not of someone else because like all studies you are the one who has to study, no one else is going to do it for you, and if u think that someone will then you are a fool.

College is a matter of choice so when u are sitting in the room about to start just stop and ask yourself this question are you here by choice or by chance?

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