Monday, 15 June 2015

College Goals ByArpita Singhal

College GOALS :

Before entering college, or while in college, there are some specific goals you can set and get on a track toward success.
Below is a list of college-related goals :
1. Excel in Academics: Your freshman year sets the tone for the next four years and with the job market as competitive as it is today. It’s not enough just to have a college degree; you need to be committed to excellence.
2. Focus on Your Health: In the past, your parents took care of your health. In college, you’re responsible for taking care of yourself. Eat right, get rest, take vitamins and exercise. This won’t only contribute to your overall health, but it will also help you concentrate and excel in class.
3. Learn to Self-Advocate: Your parents didn’t come to college with you. They can’t fight your battles any longer. College is the time for you to begin advocating for yourself. Speak up, let your requests be known, and handle conflict like an adult. Starting self-advocacy in college will make your life easier and help you move toward independence.
4. Borrow Only What You Need: It’s tempting to borrow as much money as student loans will allow. College students often borrow for tuition and other college expenses. They use the extra money for various expenses, entertainment, etc. Don’t fall into this trap. Be a smart student loan borrower.
5. Work: Begin your work career in college. Working teaches you accountability and helps you supplement the funds your parents give you and will help you limit the money you borrow. Working also gives you valuable networking opportunities.
6. Start Networking: Brand yourself. Start using social media to make professional contacts. Collect emails and business cards from professionals you meet and work with. Those contacts will be useful when you begin your job search.
7. Begin Researching Careers: Learn all you can about your future career path. Talk to professionals in the field, shadow them if possible.
8. Commit to Internships: Internships are valuable tools at your disposal while in college. Whether paid or unpaid, they offer you opportunities for experience. Once you begin the job search, internships show future employers that you have already gathered some relevant job experience.
Setting Goals in College Can Prepare You For a Brighter Future.
Planning for the future makes perfect sense. You might think you have all the time in the world but those years fly by quickly. Preparation for the future prevents panicking later in life when you realize you should have thought about goals while you were in college.
Good Luck.

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