Sunday, 24 May 2015

The #FirstDay of #College - Jaidita Seth

The first day of college

The first day of college is the one you will remember your entire life. Its kind 'a like the first day of school but you are  too little to remember that, you imagine it. 

But college, college is altogether a different feeling.

It s a little between when  you are mature. Somewhere in between a childish teen as I may call ;) . 

It's a phase of great change, one which determines the kind of person you'll be for the rest of your life.

It's said that you are changing every day, every second. But it seems when you're in college, these changes seems to manifest itself, you start to form opinions simply because you are old enough to do so, you have a new outlook on things and a different perspective to life all together ....

It's got a lot to do with the teaching or culture at college that sets you free. Itfacilitates you to  discover a new  you within yourself. You will be the one who would want to join a party , go to rallies, protest for your rights so on and so forth.

Topics which were under the black book somehow are common knowledge and you start evaluating and exploring them because you can. 

College is a must have experience and with DU it's to die for.

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