Wednesday, 10 June 2015

#Guide to #smooth #college #life by Asmita Sharma

#Guide to #smooth #college #life

Don’t be afraid of new places or new faces, they’ll become familiar one day.

You have bid farewell to your school life and this change is knocking on your door. Are you scared to open the door?

You have spent life under surveillance, carried heavy school bags around for years and now you are looking forward to this new change. School is a relatively confined space; you were guided, protected and controlled. It’s a big change and you are probably wondering how is it going to be like, how will you gel with new people with different tastes, knowledge and interest. It takes time to adjust to the new schedule, new people and if you are worried about it and want a smooth college start here are few advices. (I WISH I FOLLOWED THEM)

Expect less. 
That’s the mantra for a happy life and happy college days.

Hindi films have constructed image of college as an extremely happening place, where people are dancing and singing pointlessly. I hope you know story on screen remains on screen only. College isn’t only about fun, it’s also about attending classes, doing projects, exams and yes people will dance but only on fests and fresher parties.  College can be boring at times and but you will have a good time with friends.

Make friends but take it easy.

Make friends, interact with people but take your own time don’t be too excited. 

I don’t want to say that judge people rate them and then make friends but keep some distance. 

Don’t end up posting pictures on the first day on instagram saying 
“#newfoundbestie#” “#bestfriendsforever”.


Make good connections with your seniors.

Your own batch mates are going to stick till the end but the seniors might help your drowning boat.

Talk to your seniors, they’ll tell you different strategies to survive in college and might help you with notes and internships too.


Don’t grab beers to impress peers.

You don’t need to start smoking or drinking or change your tastes and interest just to fit in the group circle.   

People will like you for who you are and if they don’t then don’t run after them. 

Better be different than to imitate for acceptance.


Don’t freak out.

College isn’t fun? You can’t settle? Just relax.

You are going to be alright.  Change is challenging sometimes. May be the course is not as per your expectations, may be you have made no friends but just give it some time. 

Discuss your issues with your friends, family or teachers. Ask for help if you need it.  If you ever have confidence issues, always remember everybody is as bad as you are. (JUST KIDDING)

Discover and go beyond your canteen.

Your canteen might become your favorite spot but there are a lot of roadside shops, local restaurants and cafes, TRY ALL OF THEM. Be it south campus north campus or any off campus college, you will find amazing local food shops.

I have spent my afternoons in canteens of far off colleges just for an amazing sambhar dosa and cold coffees. It’s worth it.



Try new things and participate.

Don’t just stick around in your classrooms. College life would provide you ample time to go beyond your class rooms. Join some college society or join some hobby classes, learn stuff and participate in competitions. This time won’t come back so utilize it and learn; you can also try and work on your wish list.

Study, at least try.

Remember exams, assignments are important! Stay regular, submit assignments on time and prepare for exams. Yes it’s tough but you need to study a little too. You probably won’t have text books which will give you all answers; you’ll have to make your own notes (SIGH).
You can’t make notes? Chill

Look around, someone would be scribbling and making notes, ask them for help. We all hate Studies but we can’t help it.

Stick around with people, you might find great friends.

Keep it easy, don’t be too rigid, go with the flow and enjoy with your friends.

Some people find it hard to adjust or they often jump from groups to groups because they are unsure.

Talk to everybody, be close to few.

It is going to fine. At any point you feel helpless… its 2:00 am and you are procrastinating before your exam day; ALWAYS REMEMBER …

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